Oldsmobile Car Diagnostic OBD1 Fault Code Scanner
Service and Maintain Your Vehicle Exactly as the Mechanics Do. Save Thousands of $$$$
The Oldsmobile OBD1 code reader enables you to read the fault codes that relate to the check engine light on your older Oldsmobile vehicle. Check your Engine and ABS.
The Oldsmobile Code Reader is a diagnostic tool specially designed to work with the vehicle's test connector to communicate with the ECM and ABS (where applicable) computer. It uses electronics designed to retrieve engine and diagnostic trouble codes from the vehicle's computer. The code reader serves as a key that links to and opens communication with the vehicle's computer to prompt the computer to perform self tests and to receive test results or retrieve codes.
With the Oldsmobile code reader, you can quickly find out trouble causes of your engine, by simply connecting the tool and hence, identifying, locating and checking trouble causes.
Features Include:
- Safely accesses the on-board computer to read ECM and ABS codes
- Connects to your vehicle's computer self-test connector
- Will not harm the vehicle's computer system
- Includes instructions in English with code meanings.
Package Includes:
1 x Diagnostic Tool
1 x User Manual
1 x Connection cables
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